Tragedy at Sea

Message 3, copy 3 of 10
Letter “L“, AtLantic Ocean

L like Lost… During her crossing from Kingston, Jamaica to Brussels, Belgium, we learn that the Copy 3 of 10 of La Belle Pauline got lost in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. May she fall in good and caring hands.

Did La Belle Pauline got rescued?

Did La Belle Pauline get rescued?

Her sorry Freevolous Messenger add this somber note:

“Bonjour de Bishkek! L’ami de Bruxelles à qui j’avais envoyé la belle Pauline me dit qu’elle n’est jamais arrivée. Plus récemment, une lettre importante envoyée en recommandé de New York à Bangkok n’est pas plus arrivée. Quelqu’un d’autre a eu la même déconvenue, et j’en retiens qu’il ne faut surtout pas se fier à la poste américaine pour envoyer quelque chose à l’étranger. J’espère que la belle Pauline parviendra à faire du chemin malgré les obstacles…
Amitiés à tous les deux (trois si je compte la BP),
Copy 3 of La Belle Pauline visited first Kingston, Jamaica in this blog
To know more about her, please visit Messages in a Bottle and  FKL Show 


Les Vacances de Madame Pauline

Message 3, copy AP 2 from 10
Mackinaw City, Mi

After their escapade to the city of lights, la Belle Pauline and her Freevolous Messenger, Stuart Krasna, bid farewell on the shores of Lake Michigan…

sunset on Lake Michigan

Sunset on Lake Michigan

Take the A train to the Island?

She visited the famous fudge shops

Here is La Belle Pauline looking at the  Mackinaw Bridge, the longest bridge in North America

Here is La Belle Pauline looking at the Mackinaw Bridge, the longest bridge in North America

She also climbed to the top of Arch Rock in Mackinac Island

She also climbed to the top of Arch Rock in Mackinac Island

Grass for Pauline and a few rabbits

Giving Grass to Pauline and a few rabbits on Mackinac Island

“La Belle Pauline has returned to the states and is currently enjoying a relaxing vacation along the shores of Lake Michigan in Mackinaw City, Michigan… This island which doesn’t allow car traffic allows bicycles to be the main mode of transportation. One can also opt for horse and carriage.
And now this freevolous messenger has entrusted the next freevolous messenger with La Belle Pauline’s continued jouney. Everything was clearly explained, and the new carrier is quite enthusiastic. I look forward to seeing her appearance here on this blog soon. Good bye La Belle Pauline, and please stay in touch.

As a note, “Mackinac” and “Mackinaw” are the two possible correct spellings of the word and it’s spelled differently depending on whether you are referring to the city or the island.


To know more about La Belle Pauline, please visit  Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show. Visit Paris with her in this blog. Visit her first sighting  in Ballet Class.

La Belle Pauline en Voyage

Message 3, copy AP 2 of 10
Paris, France

Six months after making an appearance in a ballet class, la Belle Pauline went back to her Parisian roots. An astounding come back:

So big, it has to be the real one.

So big, it has to be the real one.

My apologies, this Freevolous Messenger did not do well in picking the right person who would ensure La Belle Pauline an exciting and wonderful journey. This has now been corrected. I have repossession of La Belle Pauline who is now enjoying a fabulous trip in Paris and also the rolling hill beautiful country side of France. I will keep her for a while so she can recover. She will return to the states in a few days and then hopefully be assigned a wonderful Freevolous Messenger who will continue the journey in good faith. Photo attached
Stuart Krasna
To know more about La Belle Pauline, please visit  Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show. Visit her first sighting in this blog in Message 3, copy AP 2 of 10.