Hidden Face of the Moon

Message 3, copy 2 of 10
Moon, Earth Natural satellite

Pauline explored it.
She confirms the H. G. Wells discovery: the Selenite civilisation lives well and prospers.
Pauline's bottle landed on the far side of the moon. Photo by Karen Tompkins

Pauline’s bottle landed on the far side of the moon. Photo by Karen Tompkins

Thanks to Karen Tompkins for helping Pauline in her extraordinary journey and bringing her back safely to Rhode Island!
Copy 2 of 10 went first to New Jersey.
10 copies in paper have been made from La Belle Pauline. To know more about her, please visit  Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show. To know more about Karen Tompkins art, please visit her website.


To the Moon

Message 3, copy 2 of 10
Karen Tompkins studio, Manhattan

Copy 2 of la Belle Pauline went across the river, to New Jersey. Got homesick and came back to my studio. Karen, my neighbour, adopted her to send her to the moon, far, far away from New Jersey:

In Karen Tompkins studio, no telescope, but a microscope

In Karen Tompkins studio, no telescope, but a microscope

Karen’s comment:

Dear Frederic,

Pauline enjoyed her trip to the moon. I have sent her to Providence, RI. to my sister in law. Hope you are well and busy making more incredible art!

Karen’s moons are so amazing that we want Pauline to enjoy totally her trip and send us more pictures!

Copy 2 of 10 went first to New Jersey.
10 copies in paper have been made from La Belle Pauline. To know more about her, please visit  Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show. To know more about Karen Tompkins art, please visit her website.