Pauline by Night

Message 3, copy 1 of 10
Jazz Standard, New York, NY

The first copy of Pauline was given to my friend Lois. She is married to Sy Johnson, the Jazz musician. What a better place than the Jazz Standard to take Pauline out? Lois and Sy are regulars there, where the Charlie Mingus Big Band plays every Monday Sy’s arrangements.

Pauline, back in a night club, as she used to be, long ago. in France

Pauline, back in a night club, as she used to be, long ago, in France

Lois added this comment:
She is finally on her way to Tucson, perhaps to get a tan.
She spent her last night in NY at the Jazz Standard listening to good music. I hope her travels will take her where ever she wants to go.”

To know more about La Belle Pauline, please visit  Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show.