Message 3, copy AP 2 of 10
Paris, France
Six months after making an appearance in a ballet class, la Belle Pauline went back to her Parisian roots. An astounding come back:
My apologies, this Freevolous Messenger did not do well in picking the right person who would ensure La Belle Pauline an exciting and wonderful journey. This has now been corrected. I have repossession of La Belle Pauline who is now enjoying a fabulous trip in Paris and also the rolling hill beautiful country side of France. I will keep her for a while so she can recover. She will return to the states in a few days and then hopefully be assigned a wonderful Freevolous Messenger who will continue the journey in good faith. Photo attached
Stuart Krasna
To know more about La Belle Pauline, please visit Messages in a Bottle and the FKL Show. Visit her first sighting in this blog in Message 3, copy AP 2 of 10.