“Pen Gwen”

Jean Le Doussal
Saint-Étienne de Chigny, France

Along the Loire River, a new sentinel guards the village entrance since 2013. It is “Pen Gwen”, by Jean Le Doussal. It sits on the “levée”, facing the river, remote and mysterious. On its back, the village and its new housing slowly expanding…


Jean Le Doussal taught me sculpture at the École des Beaux-Arts of Tours in the seventies. I did not see him since then. He was so quiet and discreet, no trace of him could be found on the internet. I presume he died. The only information found is on the little wall, right of the sculpture, a stone that reads:

Le Doussal
“Pen Gwen”
Mauves s/ Loire

To know more about “Pen Gwen”, please visit Jean-François Cochard blog, A-GENIUS LOCI